Coming Soon

Thanks for visiting the Indiana-Kentucky Conference online! We are making updates to our website and temporarily have limited online presence.

You can connect with us on our Facebook page, or email the Conference office at You can also call (317) 924-1395. We look forward to connecting with you at with our new website soon!

You can get updates in your email inbox by signing up for one (or all) of our IKC emails. Click here to sign up:
You can also support the IKC by donating to the Conference through PayPal. Here's the link:
NOTE: You can also make donations to our Disaster Preparedness and Response Ministry Team (DPRMT), which is working closely with Kentucky agencies to provide support in the wake of severe weather events, by donating through our PayPal account. Where it says "Add special instructions to the seller," please type in "DPRMT" so we can be sure your donation gets to the right people.